Sunday, May 9, 2010

Iron Man 2: return of the confusing yet delightful plot sequence

Iron Man 2: movie starring robert downey jr., gwyneth paltrow, and plenty of others, some of whom look amazing in catsuits but i'm not naming any names but oh my god

i've heard that certain message boards on the internet are (or were) at war on the subject of iron man 2: hot or not? my personal opinion: pretty hot.

scarlett johansson was in a catsuit some of the time.

that's neither here nor there. and it's not like i disagree with those who assert that the plot is a big mess. and i like terrence howard better than don cheadle (in the part of rhodey, at least). but, okay, some movies are about big life stuff, seminal events in their characters' histories, and other movies are about watching robert downey jr. act a part that he does really really well. iron man 2, to me, is about one stressful-butt week in the life of tony stark--the threads don't come together, and they could have to make a better movie, but...

at the risk of repeating myself, scarlett johansson was in a catsuit some of the time.

that's neither here nor there. at the risk of repeating myself, sometimes LIFE doesn't come together into neat interconnecting strands until years after the stressful week in question. i realize that these characters aren't real, but the way that iron man 2 imitates life isn't invalid, to my understanding. now, this particular imitation of life might not have been what we in the criticism biz call "on purpose" on the film's creators' part*. iron man 2 threw a lot of material at the viewing audience, and didn't necessarily tell us how to process it.

but, yeah, i liked it. i'd be being a douchebag if i said i didn't like it, if i tried to make myself not like it because i thought it didn't come up to my personal standards of plotmaking qualityness. and the liking of it didn't leave a bad aftertaste in my mouth as my liking kick ass did.

also robert downey jr. is so awesome. all the principals are awesome. i didn't like don cheadle like i liked terrence howard, but he did do a good job.

and scarlett johansson may or may not be in a catsuit for some of the time. i mean, she doesn't look bad in it, you know. whatever, really. oh god.

*yeah, i'm not in the criticism biz and i have no idea what things are called.

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