Friday, January 15, 2010

The Lovely Bones, or, how to shove a safe five feet in 10 or more minutes

The Lovely Bones: film directed by Peter Jackson

not sure what i can say about this movie. i mostly wanted to write that blog title. some of the acting (especially that of the sisters salmon) was really good; the movie was quite terrible...

it made me want to read the book! that's a good thing. that's really about all i've got. i guess i took the whole thing a little too personally to deal with the film on a level of good and bad--i know it was bad, but it affected me powerfully.

to go into a place you don't expect to be able to come back from is not simple. even when the road is clear and the door is open. one knows one will survive--one knows that as there's a door in, there's something like a door knows one will survive, because one has to. there is no question. but at the same time it seems impossible. i have faith. but it seems impossible. my mind can't understand the way it will work--can't see in advance the way that it'll happen. i have faith; i know my faith will be enough, but i don't know where i'm going; i know i will survive, but i don't know how.

it's not just faith in a higher, or broader, power. it's faith in myself--faith in the broad power, the roots that run through me, and faith in myself, the earth they move through. this is why i don't go to church except when i'm getting paid, or take communion when i am: the connection can't be fetishized, can't be solidified, can't be dictated. the root runs deeper and stronger than that. it's like with singing: i am always singing. or writing: i'm always writing. or loving. or grieving. these things aren't plain or simple, but they're true. i exist. nothing can stop that, except myself.

i'm just thinking out loud...and sounding crazy. up next: review of first two discs of season one of beauty and the beast. booyah!

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