Thursday, June 17, 2010

zombie strippers!, or, how the apocalypse gets naked

Zombie Strippers!: film starring jenna jameson, and several live dead nude others

the whole time i watched it, i was thinking, "so writing this script--that's what philosophy majors do with their masters' degrees."

dude. this movie was so much more than you'd expect, and from a movie called zombie strippers, you'd expect kind of a lot, if you're a certain type of person.

for one thing, the production values weren't distractingly bad.

but there's even more. the plot is funny and the lines are funny. the anti-george w. stuff is funny. i mean, i for one am glad to know that some part of the pornography industry hangs to the left (does that count as a double entendre? lamely, maybe?). the idea of turning the strippers' self-esteem issues into a conversation about various major philosophical viewpoints is really funny. jameson really freaking delivers the line about nietzsche making so much more sense after death.

i guess it might be possible to take offense at the idea that the set-up of strippers being philosophical is supposed to be funny...maybe? maybe that's offensive? but i feel like the movie sells the whole idea as more honest than that. it's like the super-hot lady soldier character who specializes in badassery--she's maybe a kind of unapologetically exploitative character, but she's also unapologetically rad. i mean, all the characterizations are unapologetically exploitative, and unapologetically rad, from paco to lilith. that girl who quotes rousseau's is the only characterization that kind of falters, i think, but at least the script and filmmakers are trying for something.

which, in an age in which the imaginarium of doctor parnassus counts as a film with ideas, in the words of captain malcolm reynolds, ain't nothin'.

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